New York's Big Pharma battlefield and drug-price wars (2024)

David Robinson|Rockland/Westchester Journal News

New York's Big Pharma battlefield and drug-price wars (1)

New York's Big Pharma battlefield and drug-price wars (2)

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  • By 2025, economists predict $1 out of every $5 spent nationally will go to health care.
  • Americans spent $325 billion for prescription drugs in 2015

New York isa Big Pharma battlefield.

Public outrage over drug prices and industry trends suggest a looming bubble will reshape American medicine for generations.

The stories of breakthrough drugs saving lives, unaffordable prescriptions and drug-making factories shutting downhave unfolded in Westchester and Rockland counties, where thousands of jobs were created and lost amid risky investments andpharmaceuticalarms races.

INVESTIGATION:How, why millions of dollars in Big Pharma moneyflowsto New York doctors

But the tension between pharma's boom-or-bust approach is clashing with patients' needs.

In many ways, the high-stakes bets and pharma speculation threatening New York drug companies is endangering the future of medicine in America, and limiting access to pricey drugs as public resentment reaches a fever pitch.

“The current system works for all the big players, and the only people it doesn’t work for are the patients, taxpayers and consumers,” said David Mitchell, president of the advocacy group Patients for Affordable Drugs. “Everybody else is making a bundle, which is why they fight so hard to maintain the status quo.”

Look no further than Mitchell himself to see how the conflict is affecting patients.

Diagnosed seven years ago with incurable blood cancer, hedescribed taking a co*cktail of expensive drugs that changed over time. He currently undergoes 22 drug infusions per year at a costof $22,000 each time.

“$440,000 worth of drugs are keeping me alive, literally,” he said.

Further, the rising cost for cancer drugs and other medicine overall led to the nearly $325 billion Americans, including taxpayer-funded programs like Medicare, spent on prescription drugs in 2015, up 9 percent from the prior year, the most recentfederal data show.

By 2025, economists predict $1 out of every $5 spent nationally will go to health care.

“It’s just not feasible to devote so much (of the U.S. economy) to health-care service because of what it takes away from other things,” said Kenneth Kaitin, director of the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development. “We may look back and say this was a good period in terms of the pressure it put on developers and payers to work together to get the drugs to the patient.”

The Journal News/lohud interviewed top executives at Pfizer and Regeneron and other industry experts to find out why drug companies face such striking swings in fortune, despite drug prices reaching unprecedented heights.

Among the findings are:

  • New York lost about 830 pharma jobs between 2011 and 2016, dropping to about 54,940, according to an analysis by Emsi, an independent labor data provider.
  • The job losses would have been far worse without growth at Regeneron, which climbed to about 5,400 employees from 1,700 during that period.
  • Pharma layoffs hit the Lower Hudson Valley hard, from the closing of manufacturing plants run by Teva Pharmaceuticals USA in Haverstraw, Novartis in Suffern and Pfizer in Pearl River. Ardsley-based Acorda alsocut its workforce by 20 percent this year.
  • Drug companies are using automation, research partnerships and government tax breaks to keep pace with rising research and developmentcosts. Researchers assert it costs from $750 million to $2.7 billion to bring a single drug to market, according to reports from JAMA Internal Medicine and the Tufts center.
  • Government programs like Medicare and Medicaid are being strained by the cost of drugs treating rare diseases and cancers.

The Pfizer and Regeneronstories

Drug giantsRegeneron and Pfizer are two examples of thefightagainst the drastic boom-and-bust cycle for many drug makers.

Regeneron’s run of blockbuster drugs recently followed decades of quietly developing them from its headquarters in Tarrytown. The pharma darling has built a sprawling $720 million campus and added hundreds of jobs at the site, fueling Westchester’s biotech-heavy economy.

Just over the Hudson River, Pfizer’s retreat from its Pearl River manufacturing plant typifies thevolatile pharma climate over the last decade. Connected to Pfizer’s run of corporate takeovers and workforce overhaul, the Rockland site has dropped from 4,000 workers to 750. The decline hasrocked the local community.

Pfizer’s new $10 million robotic drug research facility at Pearl River, however, is a symbol of the pressure to create profitable drugs while streamlining costly and high-risk innovation.

Risk and reward

Regeneron’s story underscored the perilous gambles necessary to bring a drug to market.

Leonard Schleifer, president and CEO, has described how Regeneron toiled away in research for 27years, spending millions of dollars before turning a profit. At one point, the company partnered with Sanofi, a French pharmaceutical giant, and secured more than $100 million per year to help fund R&D and limit risk.

Then Regeneron’s adult-blindness drug Eylea was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and everything changed.

Sales of the blockbuster drug in the U.S. skyrocketed between 2011 and 2014, spiking from $25 million to $1.74 billion, federal records show. Regeneron has since brought five other drugs to market to treat skin conditions, colorectal cancer and other diseases.

Yet what makes this pharma tale unique is that Regeneron has avoided a takeover, a common fate when an upstart drug company overcomes the odds and starts delivering moneymakers.

Executives at Regeneron described the mix of success and independence as crucial to its pricing philosophy.

“We firmly believe that when you develop an innovative drug, there should be a reward for that in terms of what price you can charge,” said David Weinreich, who runs global clinical development. “It’s a highly risky business and there is a very long cycle time.”

But Weinreich noted that Regeneron's pricing policies account for theethics and short-sightedbusiness realities of exorbitant drug prices.

“It’s not an open license to take advantage of a market of individuals, whether it be (insurance) payers who are going to be paying for this ultimately, or the patients who are going to receive the drug and who need the drug,” he said.

Defining the reward, however, is where the drug pricing debate gets tricky.

Schleifer, for example, has drawn criticism from colleagues for breaking ranksduring several forums and media interviews. He has chastised Big Pharma for raising drug prices by double-digit percentages, citing the seemingly obvious money grabs that come just as patents expire to allow for generic-drug competition.

"Regeneron has yet to make a price increase," said Weinreich, using its adult blindness drug as an example of a medication that has shown promising new benefits for patients but maintainedthe initial price.

"You could even argue that there was more innovation and more diseases that could be treated with it and still no price increases," he said. "I actually think we’re doing a pretty ethical job of balancing that."

‘Changing the world’

John Sorrentino, chief operating officer of Pfizer’s Pearl River site, likes to ask people their age. He uses the question to illustrate the impact ofdrugs linked to the Rockland campus, like breakthroughs in smallpox and polio vaccines.

“If you’re under 40, chances are you don’t know anybody and have never seen anybody with these diseases,” Sorrentino said, adding an anecdote about his polio encounter while growing up in New England.

“I can remember as a kid living in Boston, in a neighborhood of three- and six-family homes, what it was like one summer when they found (polio) two streets over,” he said, “We were told you cannot go outside all summer … because everybody in those days knew somebody that had polio and that had been devastated.”

The decades of research behind many vaccines defined the 100-year history of Pfizer’s Pearl River campus, a mix of laboratories and office buildings on a 330-acre corporate park 30 miles north of Manhattan.

At one point in the early 1900s, more than 10,000 horses roamed the Pearl River home to companies that would later join Pfizer. Researchers used the animals to develop diphtheria antitoxins that eventually cured the deadly disease.

Years later, the Pearl River site saw the discovery of the bifurcated needle, which revolutionized how the smallpox vaccine reached more patients and helped eradicatethe disease by the early 1970s.

“These diseases for the most part don’t exist anymore because of these public health interventions and the value of vaccines,” Sorrentino said, dovetailing the cost of historical breakthroughs in medicine with Pfizer’s current research into new vaccines for infants and cancer drugs

“We are doing science here that is literally changing the world,” he said.

New York's Big Pharma battlefield and drug-price wars (3)

New York's Big Pharma battlefield and drug-price wars (4)

Video: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

David Weinreich, MD, Senior Vice President, Global Clinical Development at Regeneron Pharmeceuticals in Tarrytown on Sept. 21, 2017.

Peter Carr/lohud

Public perception

Regeneron and Pfizer executivescringe at the mention of recent displays of pharma greed and corruption, such as “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli’s conviction on criminal charges that he scammed investors.

The former chief executive officerof Turing Pharmaceuticalsshot tonotoriety in 2015 by ordering a 5,000 percent price hike on Daraprim, a medication used to treat those with the HIV virus or others with weakened immune systems, USA TODAY reported.

That decision made Shkreli a target of patients, health-care professionalsand some of the 2016 U.S. presidential candidates.

Addressing the issue, Weinreich, who runs Regeneron clinical trials that span dozens of countries and takeyears of work,was quick to point out the story of its severe eczema drug Dupixent that costs$37,000-per-year per patient.

"I don’t know what everyone thought we were going to price this at ... but some reports say, 'It was right in the middle, which probably means they were doing what they should,' " Weinreich said.

Some industry experts calledRegeneron’s collaboration with health insurers on setting the price for Dupixentground-breaking in curbingcosts for innovative drugs.

Pfizer officials similarly pointed to their efforts recently inpricingcancer drugs and offering subsidies to low-income patients.

“What we need is a systematic approach to understanding what represents a fair price,” said Kaitin, the Tufts professor. “Some of the larger companies that are working directly with the payers now to ensure that the price of the drug is representative is part of that.”

Further, some pharma leaders are pushing value-based models that Kaitin and others say might furtherreduce drug prices. The efforts basically involve using factors like toxicity, patient-safety risks and business cost to set prices.

“Despite their shortcomings, (value-based pricing) represents how we’re going to manage the increasing overall costs to society of providing drugs,” Kaitin said. “Without this systematic approach, we’re heading to some very troubling times.”

The pressure on drug companies to deliver blockbusters, for instance, hasprompteda glut of medicines for rare diseases that fetch high prices. The trend, however, is creatinggaps in the less-profitable drugs that keep a larger portion of Americans healthy.

"It’s not that far in the future that ... companies are going to be flooded with the high-value drugs that treata small number of people," Kaitin said, adding the value-based models are part of efforts to create more drugs to meet unmet medical needs.

By contrast, some Big Pharma trade groups are pushing outcome-based pricing models that account more for results.

Mitchell, the patient advocate, described the outcome-based proposalsas flawed.

"It's drug companies saying, 'We will give you a drug that is supposed to prevent a heart attack and, if you have one, maybe we give you a refund,' " he said. "If I’m laying in the hospital with a heart attack, or dead, that doesn’t do me a lot of good."

Complex and costly

Financial speculation, mergers and globalization are prompting many publicly traded drug companies to overhaul U.S. workforces and increase drug prices.

Examples include the recent crackdown on tax inversions that reduced some companies’ U.S. tax bills through offshoring, and pharma takeovers that led to questions over price hikes.

The urgency has mounted as breakthroughs in precision medicine that used genetics led todrugs routinely pricedabove $100,000 each.

The journey of clinical-trial samples tells a big part of thestory.

At any given moment of the day, thousands of vials of blood are being shipped from hospitals in dozens of countries to Pfizer’s laboratories in Pearl River. They arrive in a sprawling room filled with 100 freezers set at -80 degrees centigrade.

A reporter visiting Pfizer recently watched as apair of researchers in white lab coats walked among rows of freezers armed with clipboards. They methodically opened the lids and removed some of the 1.3 million clinical samples, recording tracking numbers andeasingthem into chilled containers as a ghostly mist escaped the dry ice.

Strikingly, the freezer facility was built just five years ago and it’s already outdated. In a nearby room, a massive robotic freezer system represents the future of Pfizer’s push to keep up with growing clinical trial demands.

Pfizer spent $10 million to build the new automated freezer going online later this year. It will expand the clinical sample capacity at the site exponentially, according to Dr. Bill Gruber, senior vice president of Pfizer vaccine clinical research.

Other automation at the Pfizer labinvolved robots that separate clinical samples to use them in multiple tests. It takes one such robot, for instance, to process 240 samples in about two hours, a task that would taketwo workers all day.

“It’s a monumental task, and you can see why robotics become particularly important,” Gruber said.

Pfizer executives noted the robots didn’t replace workers, but rather freed them up to focus on research instead of repetitive jobs. They described the shift to automation as a business decision prompted by the costly and complex clinical trials required by government.

“You need the robotics to basically … take the risk to move forward, and most importantly to meet what is required by regulatory authorities, so that we can then assure them of the safety and the efficacy of the product,” Gruber said.

The robots are also key to Pfizer’s recent push to branch out into immunology research, a highly competitive field driven by breakthroughs in profitable cancer drugs that help patients’ immune systems combat the disease.

Regeneron's Weinreichnoted hundreds of workers produce reams of datarequired by government regulators for clinical trials.

"In the old days, before this was all done electronically, there were tractor-trailers that were shipped down to Washington," he said.

Patient stories

The high prices limiting access to some drugs recently has led to newpatient advocacy groups, whichare targetingthe powerful pharma lobbying efforts in state and federal government.

One is Patients for Affordable Drugs, the national group founded this year by Mitchell, who has multiple myeloma.

While Medicare covers much of Mitchell’s current drug bills, he previously took Revlimid, the most expensive drug for Medicare patients with median annual out-of-pocket costs of $11,500, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Mitchell’s group gathers stories from patients nationally as part of its push to influence drug policy. Since its founding in February, it has collected more than 8,000 accounts of drug-pricing struggles, including 350 New Yorkers'.

“The stories we get are people with Type 1diabetes who tell us they are trying to manage their disease without taking all their medicine, and it’s a very dangerous thing because they can’t afford the whole dose,” Mitchell said. "Drugs don't work if people can't afford them."

One story is from Thomas Dargan, a retiree living in New Rochelle. His adult son didn’t have insurance for a time and struggled to afford diabetes medications like Januvia, at about $420, and Metformin, at $87.

“I did some research and found the prices whipsawed depending on which drug store a person went to, and that made the situation even worse,” Dargan said recently, adding his son has since secured employer-sponsored insurance that covers much of the cost.

Mitchell noted that his former employer covered all but$3,000 of the annual drug cost.But he saidthe average median annual income of Medicare patients is $24,150, USA TODAY reported.

“We hear from people who literally say to us, ‘I have to choose between buying food and taking my drugs,’” Mitchell said. “People are angry and hurting and don’t understand how this could be happening to them in the United States of Americaand how could drugs prices be so high.”

Searching for solutions

Politically charged drug-pricing debates have recently ignited a range of lawsuits and legislative proposals seeking to curb decades of unchecked price hikes.

Last month, Pfizer filed a lawsuit against fellow pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson over "anticompetitive practices" in a go-for-the-throat showdown involving the drug industry's treatment of medicines that are similar to the originals, USA TODAY reported.

In the suit, Pfizer accuses J&J of "exclusionary contracts" and price manipulation "to maintain its monopoly" for a drug used to treatrheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and other afflictions. J&J has rejected Pfizer’s claim.

Some state lawmakers have focused on closely guarded pricing data. They've sought to improve oversight and transparencyto rein in billions of dollars in drug spending through Medicaid, the joint state and federal program for 74 million poor and disabled Americans.

State Sen. George Latimer, D-Rye, and state Assemblyman Gary Pretlow, D-MountVernon, have proposed legislation seeking to require pharmacies to provide customers with the retail (before insurance) price of a prescription, in writing and electronically prior to purchase.

The legislation followed a grass-roots advocacy effort originating in a Mount Vernon health-care forum earlier this year.

Other states in varying stages of shaping similar drug laws related to price transparency and anti-price gouging include Massachusetts, Maryland, Nevada and Connecticut.

Texas lawmakers recently won a court battle against Pfizer that will force it to disclose pricing data related to Medicaid, according to media reports.

Big Pharma, however, remains one of the most powerful lobbying players. Lobbyists representing thepharmaceutical industry spent more than $2.5 billion over the last decade, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Mitchell, the patient advocate, described the lobbying as key to stifling many reform efforts, such as those seekingto give regulators more authority to use Medicareto negotiate drug prices.

"Why is the time never right to fix this?" he said,"Because the pharmaceutical industry is one of if not therichest industries in the country and the world, and they throw their money around effectively."

New York's Big Pharma battlefield and drug-price wars (2024)


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