The Fall 2024 Career Fair is an on-campus event for students and alumni of Case Western Reserve University. The Career Fair will be held Thursday, Sept. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Veale Convocation, Recreation and Athletic Center field house.
This event is an opportunity for students to meet with recruiters for hiring opportunities. If you are looking for a summer 2025 opportunity, this is the time you want to meet with recruiters and apply for those positions.
Employers will be recruiting students of all majors for all kinds of opportunities, including internships, co-ops, practicum, and/or full-time jobs. Employers typically send CWRU alumni as representatives, so this is a great networking opportunity, even if you’re not in the market for a position. Staff and faculty members also are welcome to stop by and say “hello” to the company representatives.
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